Various documents which clubs may wish to download are now available on this section of the web site.
Please select the relevant item, which should then load onto your computer.
Most are on PDF format, with the exception of the on-line score cards, which can be used to submit match scores to the Registrar, which are in Excel format.
Please let us know if you have any problems with accessing any of the documents, so that we can resolve the matter.
Rotherham Combined Constitution
Fixtures 2024
Midweek Knock-out Cup draw (to follow)
Friday Doubles League Division 1
Friday Doubles League Division 2
Friday Doubles League Division 3
Vets League Division 1 Singles
Vets League Division 1 Doubles
Vets League Division 2 Singles
Vets League Division 2 Doubles
Not updated yet:
Copies of the score cards for clubs to print are also now available below:
League Score Cards
Friday League Score Cards
Midweek League Score Cards
On-line results cards (Excel format):
Not updated yet:
Contact information:
March 18, 2019